Thursday, January 8, 2009

CD Release

Hitting the ground running would be nice in this industry called music. It would be of great fortune to any band to produce some songs, hand them to some people, and BOOM, explode onto the scene with a bunch of worldwide hits. Cue the wah wah waaaaaaaaaaaaah music. It doesn't happen that way, I guess. Weird!

So, enter the blogspot world where perhaps millions of racing pulses will flock to check out what the latest Seven Mile Ride blog has to say. Perhaps, more realistically, it will be a few loyal peeps who read the blogs and then move on before the yawn gets them. Either way, Seven Mile Ride is going to begin a campaign to take over the world. It all starts with our brand new release, self titled Seven Mile Ride CD. Take a look Here for a downloadable version of our CD. You can search us on iTunes, also.

Here's how this will ideally work. You listen, like, buy, then come here and rave. Hey, we will even accept any negative bile you wish to throw at us as well. Honesty is great, and telling the world we suck doesn't bother us, either.

So there it is. Our pitch to you. Please buy our CD. Please come to our shows. Please be our friend on myspace -

Most of all, Please be good human beings at all times.

Happy New Year!

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